Automated Traffic Bot
Automated Traffic Bot
This Banner Ad package is a great way to advertise your Automated Traffic Bot website.
"IMPORTANT" There is a banners folder in the images folder of this affiliate tools package. This banners folder must be copied over into your main website folder for this affiliates page to work correctly when you upload your site to your hosting account..
If you want to edit the banners you can use the banner Photoshop PSD files to change them in anyway you wish, assuming you ordered the PSD files
with your copy of SCGM v12
You can also use these banners to allow affiliates to advertise your website.
Just upload the banners folder to your site and make sure you go into the HTML code and do a search and replace for
Replace with your actual domain name, so the banner code will link up correctly on your website.
We have set example links up with ClickBank code, but you can change these sample links out with your own affiliate links no matter what affiliate tracking
system you may happen to use.
Automated Traffic Bot software